Zoom IQ AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Email Assistant
  • Post last modified:8 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Zoom IQ is an AI smart companion that is designed to empower collaboration and unlock people’s potential through generative AI. It is built on the same platform as Zoom Meetings and Phone, and it offers seamless integration, a familiar user experience, and enterprise-grade security, reliability, and privacy. Zoom IQ is flexible and can incorporate multiple types of models, including those developed in-house, those from leading AI companies such as OpenAI and Anthropic, and select customers’ own models.

Zoom IQ offers several capabilities that can help enhance productivity and collaboration, including the ability to draft email content, summarize Team Chat threads, organize notes, and provide conversation insights on prospect and customer reactions. Zoom IQ can also handle data from users’ interactions with its features, including inputs, messages, and AI-generated content.
The first set of Zoom IQ capabilities is now generally available to Zoom customers in select plans as free trials. Zoom will continue to enhance its products with Zoom IQ capabilities, and the next set of generative AI-powered features is scheduled to be released soon. To learn more about how Zoom is expanding its AI capabilities with Zoom IQ, you can check out their website.

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