Writingmate AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:General Writing
  • Post last modified:30 June 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

WritingMate.ai is a Chrome browser extension that serves as an AI-powered communications and writing assistant. It is powered by GPT-4 and ChatGPT, and can help with various writing tasks such as drafting or replying to emails or messages, generating blog posts, essays, or other personal content, creating marketing copy, press releases, or other work content, writing faster and fixing grammar, rewriting, and translating on the go, and researching more effectively with summarization, brainstorming, and questions.

WritingMate.ai is user-friendly and can help solve real problems, making it a promising tool for those in the AI and writing tech space. It is also a free alternative to ChatGPT and can be accessed on any tab via a click on the crystal ball icon or Cmd/Ctrl+M. WritingMate.ai was created by Ava Labs, a team of experienced professionals who previously worked at tech unicorns such as People.ai and Palta.com. Feedback and feature requests are always welcome, and users can contact the team via email.

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