Writefull AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:General Writing
  • Post last modified:6 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Writefull is an AI-based writing and proofreading tool for academics. It uses machine learning trained on millions of published scientific papers to suggest improvements to grammar, spelling, and academic language. Writefull’s AI can help with writing, paraphrasing, copyediting, and more. It can also provide language feedback in Word and LaTeX code in Overleaf. Writefull’s suggestions appear to the right of the text, and users can accept or reject them with a single click. Writefull has a complete scientific dictionary and can correct even scientific terms. It also spots and corrects mistakes in grammar and vocabulary, and tells users if their language is inappropriate or too wordy. Writefull is used by academics, students, researchers, and publishers. The service is available for a monthly fee, but there is also a free trial version. Writefull has been rolled out to all of Hindawi’s 230+ journals.

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