Wombo AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Art
  • Post last modified:27 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Wombo AI is a Canadian artificial intelligence (AI) company that focuses on delivering joy through consumer-focused AI experiences. They have developed several AI-powered apps that allow users to create art, music, and memes. Here are some of their products:

  • WOMBO: This is an AI-powered lip sync app that allows users to take a selfie, pick a song, and let WOMBO work its magic
  • WOMBO Dream: This is an AI art generator app that allows users to turn any text into a stunning image in seconds. Users can enter a prompt, pick an art style, and watch WOMBO Dream turn their idea into an AI-powered painting

Wombo AI aims to enable everyone to unleash their creative potential and power next-generation media that will make people laugh and smile. They have over 140 million app installs to date and are just getting started.

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