What is a software development process?

  • Post category:blog
  • Post last modified:29 June 2023
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Software development process is the name given to the steps required to build a system or application. In other words, they are the steps that guide the creation of software, considering the needs of the client and/or users for whom the program is intended.

In theory, everything works great. The phases are very well structured, which makes the process practical and intuitive. However, is this really how things happen in practice?

To talk a little more about this reality and explore the topic in depth, we wrote this post.

Here, we explain what a software development process is, how it works, what are its steps, what the day-to-day life of professionals in the area is like and their main challenges.

In the end, we still present the vital points for improving the software process, in addition to training tips for those who want to work in the area. Good reading!

What is a software process?

A software process is the name given to the set of structured activities that guide the construction and development of software. In other words, they are the necessary steps to develop a system that meets the customer’s needs.

What is a software process model?

A software process is shown in an abstract, condensed form by a software process model.In other words, it essentially outlines the stages needed in creating a system, outlining each activity and creating a hierarchy across project phases.

For this, this model can be presented in different formats. Among them:

  • data flow;
  • workflow;
  • prototyping;
  • spiral;
  • waterfall;
  • among others.

What are the five steps in the software development process?

As we have seen, the software development process is organized in stages, they are:

1. Diagnosis phase

It is the first contact that the development team has with the problem. Thus, it is an investigative process, which aims to understand the client’s needs , which will be the basis for the following steps.

2. Conception

From the data collected in the diagnosis phase, we seek to develop viable ideas for solving the problem . These ideas, then, must be validated with the client and adapted according to their needs and constraints.

3. Requirements survey and analysis

In this step, the functionalities that the system should have are defined , who will be its users, restrictions and dependencies. From this, a document is created with the general descriptions of the product, as well as its definitions.

4. Development phase

With all the planning ready, the fourth step refers to the development itself. That is, it is at this moment that the software programming for later implementation begins .

5. Maintenance stage

With the system implemented, the fifth step of the software development process refers to maintenance. This phase is responsible for minor adjustments and bug fixes , aiming to refine the application’s performance, optimizing the users’ experience .

How is the software development area today?

The software area, being a relatively recent branch in our economy, is still in its infancy when it comes to quality.

The field of work constantly suffers from some paradigms and ready-made phrases, which never seem to leave our daily lives. 

We don’t need to go very far. When the developer is required to document the tasks or functions performed, it is almost impossible not to see a face of disappointment.

In fact, you’ve probably already done or seen someone turn their nose up at the word “tests”, haven’t you?

However, to achieve the desired quality in the software development process, we need to stick to these points, whether we like it or not.

What is the importance of quality in the software development process?

Have you ever wondered how the lack of quality in lines of software code impacts the execution time of activities?

Professionals who prioritize the quality of software development processes are increasingly labeled as the “bureaucratizers” of a process that could happen more dynamically.

Therefore, it is relatively common for development teams to be composed of people who are great at programming but terrible at documentation.

This tends to harm future maintenance actions and code evolution, since knowledge is restricted to the developer responsible for the project.

Thus, it is noted that this professional is increasingly dynamic for some aspects and lethargic for others.

However, what many do not realize is that prioritizing the quality of the software development process tends to facilitate future actions .

This applies both to the application of object-oriented development patterns and to the creation or updating of documentation, among other practices.

The role of managers in the software development process

On the other hand, in some software processes, disorganization comes from managers, who succumb to deadlines that are impossible to meet.

That is, they prioritize meeting demand in order to increase their working capital, expanding their investment capacity and capturing new business.

Of course, this factor must be taken into account, after all, without money, there is no continuity of activities. However, any slip can put the company’s image at risk , making it a negative reference for service provision.

That is why managers must know how to weigh and, above all, know their productive capacity in relation to software.

Quality versus meeting deadlines

In order to adapt to the client’s schedule and needs, the sacrificed element is usually quality. Thus, the process of software testing, documentation and validations is discarded. All for the product to be delivered on time.

As a result, these professionals end up leaving aside an important task: monitoring the productivity of the software development team and the quality of the lines of code, in order to ensure that the recommended standards — such as GRASP and SOLID — are correctly applied.

Because of this, a good manager must know all the systems he is responsible for.

In fact, more than that, it must know the essence of its operation, thus allowing solutions already developed to be used through software reuse.

The dilemmas that affect the routine of developers

Within this context, developers live a dilemma: those who like testing and documentation feel out of place when carrying out such actions, leading to a drop in their productivity in software development.

At the same time, those who are not so adept at these techniques develop solutions in a short period of time and with high productivity, which distorts some managerial assessments.

In addition, there are still customers who take advantage of an environment with low management control and work estimates, and request demands far beyond what was previously agreed.

Such demands, business flow changes and use case changes tend to generate rework and, consequently, dissatisfaction on the part of the devs.

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