What are the possible risks of using Artificial Intelligence?

  • Post category:blog
  • Post last modified:29 June 2023
  • Reading time:10 mins read

While the benefits of AI in business are undeniable, it is crucial to recognize the risks associated with its implementation.

And get this: by addressing these concerns head-on, organizations can optimize their use of AI and ensure its successful integration.

Are they:

Intellectual capital demands

To effectively leverage AI, companies need to invest in intellectual capital.

Without a workforce equipped to manage smart systems, corporations run the risk of underutilizing this technology, which incurs losses.

Human capital requalification and reallocation

As AI takes over certain tasks, organizations must carefully plan for reskilling and redeploying human capital.

By providing training and opportunities for employees to develop new skills, you can ensure a smooth transition and retain valuable talent.

Adapting to fluid and lean corporate structures

The rise of AI could lead to leaner, more fluid corporate structures, with smaller, collaborative teams working alongside AI systems.

Organizations must be prepared to adapt their operations and workflows to this new reality, ensuring seamless integration and continuous productivity.

What are the challenges for the implementation of Artificial Intelligence?

The potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize business and daily routines is already popularly recognized.

Solutions such as ChatGPT, among others that are more complex and specific to each segment, are already transforming the routine of companies and professionals.

However, the practical implementation of AI presents several challenges.

Let’s look at the main ones, as well as understand in what way they can be overcome:

  • Insufficient Data Processing: AI relies on massive amounts of data to train and refine its algorithms. The challenge is not getting data, but processing it efficiently. Improving data mining, modeling, analytics and intelligence processes is crucial to unlocking your potential.
  • Limited hardware capacity: AI requires significant processing power. In practice, we talk about a robust hardware potential. Ensuring the technology can handle the high processing demands is essential for a successful AI implementation — but it can be costly, especially today.
  • Human-Machine Interface: A major concern with AI is its interaction with humans. Developing intuitive, easy-to-use interfaces is critical to preventing AI failures. Furthermore, AI solutions must be refined to better understand and adapt to the context of human interactions.
  • High costs : Implementing AI can be expensive and time-consuming, from training intelligent models to integrating AI solutions into the business. However, developers and companies are already working on more accessible and efficient systems, platforms and interfaces. Not only is ChatGPT an example, but other conversational AIs showing “the rocky path” for companies around the world.
  • Ethical Considerations: As AI becomes more integrated into everyday life, it is crucial to address related ethical issues. These include ensuring data privacy, combating bias in algorithms, preventing job displacement, and addressing the potential misuse of Artificial Intelligence. As? Our tip is to establish clear guidelines, industry standards and regulatory frameworks.

How to define a usage strategy for AI?

There are some steps that deserve attention when defining how Artificial Intelligence will be used in the business. See which ones are below!

1. Set goals and plan well

Deploying an AI needs to be done with a lot of planning. To begin with, it is essential to define the goals that she will have in the business. To do so, you need to ask questions such as:

  • Will it be used to improve overall business management?
  • Will it be implemented to fix flaws and boost factory performance?
  • Should it be used to develop new products/services?
  • Will it be used in interaction with the customer, in order to improve this sector?
  • Will the focus be on increasing productivity, efficiency and performance of goods?

There is a chance that AI will be used for all these purposes, which could require a more complex and time-consuming deployment process. To achieve an efficient application, it is important to prepare its adoption strategy well.

In this case, remember to know the potential of the tool well and check which collaborators and knowledge will be needed for this. Also take a good look at your company culture to see if it supports new things like AI.

2. Collect data

For AI to be implemented and adapt well to the company, it needs a lot of data.

They will also be important for the process of integrating the AI ​​platform with workflows and business software, as well as for increasing the accuracy of the information generated by it. This takes time and effort.

Data can be obtained from internal business management solutions, such as the management system (also known as ERP) and the CRM.

A Big Data Analytics solution is important to generate insights and information from unstructured data, which will be used by the Artificial Intelligence solution.

It is still possible to use IoT to capture information from the equipment that will feed the AI, which will be grouped with the data generated by the solutions that manage them.

You can also get content from partners, such as suppliers, customers and consulting and research companies.

One note: the management system and other solutions need to be compatible with AI, so that it can capture your data properly.

3. Prepare your IT team

To deal with AI, it is essential to have collaborators who are specialized in the area, that is, who have great knowledge about cognitive solutions. They need to know the main examples of technologies related to AI and how they can be used.

It is also important that they know how to integrate them with other solutions, especially those existing in the company.

In addition, they need to be able to “translate” AI concepts to professionals from other areas, in order to allow a greater understanding of this technology. CIOs, analysts, technicians, etc. from the IT area will have important roles in:

  • prepare the business environment for this great innovation;
  • program the solution to integrate with the specificities of the company;
  • correct errors that it may present during its implementation and use in the organization;
  • Provide assistance to other sectors to be able to work together with AI.

4. Adopt efficient AI solutions

It is essential to seek a renowned and efficient AI solution, capable of adequately automating the organization’s workflows so that they are systematically perpetuated.

Your supplier needs to be reliable and renowned in the market, being able to contribute to its implementation.

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