What-A-Prompt : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Prompts
  • Post last modified:14 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

A prompt is a topic or question that you must respond to in an essay or other written assignment. The prompt is usually given by your teacher as part of a timed exam or as an essay prompt for an assignment.

The word “prompt” can also be used as an adjective or verb. As an adjective, “prompt” can mean “as scheduled” or “quick”. As a verb, “prompt” can mean to assist someone by suggesting or saying the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned. It can also mean to inspire or make something happen. For example, if you prompt someone, you might offer a reminder, assistance, or even inspiration to do something.
There are tools available, such as “What A Prompt,” that can help generate creative and enhanced prompts to achieve the best results for writing assignments.

Try What-A-Prompt