TypeGenie AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:General Writing
  • Post last modified:6 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

TypeGenie is an AI-powered tool that helps customer service teams improve productivity and customer satisfaction. It offers sentence completions based on past tickets and personal writing style, which can save time and reduce repetitive typing. TypeGenie uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence, including deep learning, to create highly relevant and personalized completions. The more the tool is used, the better the suggestions become. TypeGenie works in any language and is currently available in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, and others. It is available as a Google Chrome extension for Zendesk, an iOS custom keyboard extension, and an iOS AI assistant app. TypeGenie has received positive reviews from users, who report that it improves efficiency and creates a consistent tone of voice across the support team.

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