TextBuddy AI : Details and Key Features

TextBuddy AI is an online writing tool that uses advanced AI technology to help writers create clear and concise content in plain English. It can help with grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as identifying passive voice, adverbs, complex words, filler and vague words, and formatting errors. The tool also provides synonyms, analyzes text sentiment, and offers statistics and keyword density. TextBuddy AI uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology to create or improve text, and it can (re-)write text in plain language.

The tool can be used to fix grammar, spelling, and punctuation, create headlines/summary, paraphrase in plain English, and analyze text sentiment. It can also be used as inspiration to overcome writer’s block. TextBuddy AI is available as a Chrome extension, and it can be used for free on any device. However, to use the AI features, users need to sign up for TextBuddy. There are also video tutorials available on YouTube that show how to use TextBuddy AI to write news, travel, and fitness articles.

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