Superflow Rewrite AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Copy Writing
  • Post last modified:28 June 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Superflow Rewrite AI is a website review tool that allows users to add rich media annotations on live websites, generate copy using ChatGPT, manage tasks, record, and share for review. It is designed to help web agencies and teams create compelling headlines and product descriptions with minimal effort.

Superflow Rewrite AI integrates with other tools such as Clickup, Webflow, Asana, and Slack. It also has an inbuilt task manager that allows users to assign tasks and create workflows. Superflow Rewrite AI is optimized for mobile and desktop devices.

Users can select any text on their website and ask ChatGPT to rewrite it, and then preview changes in context before creating a task for their team to make the change. Superflow Rewrite AI is available for a free trial, and paid plans start from $19/month.

Try Superflow Rewrite AI