Sudowrite AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:General Writing
  • Post last modified:7 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Sudowrite is an AI writing tool that can help with brainstorming ideas for characters and plot points, rewriting sections of a story in a different tone, and giving vocabulary suggestions. It can also act as a beta reader, giving constructive feedback and new ideas to try. Sudowrite’s Story Engine lets users generate AI prose from plot beats through OpenAI’s generative text system. The AI program can generate new content in any style or form, brainstorm hooks, twists, detailed outlines, build character lists and locations, and clean up and edit writing quickly. Sudowrite uses GPT-3, the latest version of a deep-learning neural network that can auto-generate text. Sudowrite is more helpful in writing fiction, though it can also be used to write non-fiction. Sudowrite’s main drawbacks are its lack of a plagiarism checker and some features that are still in the experimental stage.

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