Retrato AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Avatars
  • Post last modified:27 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Retrato AI is an app that uses artificial intelligence to transform selfies into studio-quality photos. It offers a range of features and benefits, including access to over a thousand portrait styles generated by AI, high-quality professional portraits, and secure and private processing. The app is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play.

Here are some key details about Retrato AI:
  • Features & Benefits: Retrato AI offers over 1000 portrait styles generated by AI, high-quality professional portraits, and secure and private processing
  • How to Use: To use Retrato AI, simply download the app from your preferred app store, upload your selfies or close-up portraits, and press the “Generate photos” button
  • Best Types of Photos: Selfies and close-up portraits work best with Retrato AI, as they capture more detail of your facial features. It is recommended to avoid group photos and any kind of face covering for optimal results
  • AI Avatars & Portraits: Retrato AI specializes in transforming photos into avatars and portraits using AI technology

Overall, Retrato AI is designed to help users enhance their selfies and create professional-looking photos with the power of AI.

Try Retrato AI