Quicklines AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Email Assistant
  • Post last modified:8 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Quicklines AI is an AI-powered cold outreach assistant that helps users scale their cold email campaigns with in-depth social scraping and natural language processing. It pulls data from prospects’ LinkedIn accounts to find relevant and accurate information and writes natural, authentic first lines to help users get more replies and fill their pipeline. Quicklines AI offers lifetime access for a one-time payment of $59.

Quicklines AI can be accessed through its website or app. It has received positive reviews from users who have reported an increase in response rates due to the hyper-personalization of their cold outreach.
Quicklines AI is compared to Lyne.ai in a review. While both platforms offer AI-based intro writing, Lyne.ai offers a free trial and a more affordable pricing plan. Quicklines AI, on the other hand, offers lifetime access for a one-time payment.
Quicklines AI is used by sales teams to automate the personalization in their cold outreach and increase their efficiency. It is mostly used to automate the personalization in cold outreach to save time and resources. Quicklines AI is a sales engagement platform that helps users generate personalized first lines that convert to meetings.

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