Quasi AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:General Writing
  • Post last modified:8 July 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Quasi AI is a company that focuses on generative AI and robotics. They aim to create a world where robots can help humans with repetitive, dangerous, and boring tasks. Quasi AI has developed a robot called R2 that uses twin LiDARs to scan the environment in 360 degrees around the machine, enabling accurate and high-precision navigation. The robot also has high-response time-of-flight sensors around its perimeter that enable instant reaction to any obstacles along the movement path. Gimble mounted stereo cameras enable estimation of the shape and size of objects in three-dimensional understanding of the surroundings.

Quasi AI also offers Quasi AI General, which follows general commands from the central system (Cloud Connect) but is adaptive enough to accommodate local variations, such as desk sizes and shapes. Quasi AI General can recognize all items to perform a variety of tasks, navigate complex indoor environments to reach designated workspaces, and find charging stations automatically when needed. It can also balance assigned tasks between two or more robots based on workloads, distance, and battery levels. With Quasi AI General, users have full control and access to a full suite of audit records and reports.
Quasi AI also has a product called Fiction – AI Entertainment, which is an app that allows users to choose their own adventure. The app is available on the App Store.
Overall, Quasi AI is a company that focuses on generative AI and robotics, with a particular emphasis on creating robots that can help humans with repetitive, dangerous, and boring tasks. They offer a range of products, including a robot called R2, Quasi AI General, and Fiction – AI Entertainment.

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