Phraser AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Art
  • Post last modified:26 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Phraser is an AI-based tool that helps users create various types of content, including images and music. It is also a tool that assists users in writing better prompts for neural networks, including DALLE-2, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Disco Diffusion, Craiyon, and more. Phraser is being developed by a Paris-based startup and is the first application in the world that uses machine learning to help users write prompts for neural networks. The application decomposes the process of creating a prompt into simple steps such as choosing a style, content type, color, resolution, camera settings, and more. Phraser is also used in conjunction with other AI tools, such as Stable Diffusion, to create realistic art from prompts generated by Phraser.

Phrazor, on the other hand, is an AI-powered data storytelling platform that makes business reports easy to understand with insightful narratives using natural language generation. It is a reporting automation and business intelligence platform that understands business context and prevents AI hallucination. Phrazor is the leader in BI, data analytics, and natural language generation globally, and it has over 200 use cases, 70% cost reduction, and 85% improved efficiency.
In summary, Phraser is an AI-based tool that helps users create various types of content and write better prompts for neural networks, while Phrazor is an AI-powered data storytelling platform that makes business reports easy to understand with insightful narratives using natural language generation.

Try Phraser AI