Penelope AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:General Writing
  • Post last modified:30 June 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Penelope AI is an online tool that provides several AI features to help with writing and editing. Here are some of the features provided by Penelope AI:

  • Auto-completing: Penelope AI can generate the next sentence of a story based on the existing sentence
  • Paraphrasing: Penelope AI can help find alternative ways to express a sentence or phrase
  • Summarizing: Penelope AI can quickly and accurately summarize texts
  • Story-generating: Penelope AI can create a unique story by inputting just a few key words

Penelope AI also has a version that specifically helps scientists improve their manuscripts before submitting to a journal. This version of Penelope AI checks whether scientific manuscripts meet journal requirements, such as whether there is a title page, whether authors are named, whether there are author email addresses, and whether there is a word count provided.

Penelope AI is also available as a writing assistant for general writing purposes, such as thesis writing, blog post writing, and email writing.

Try Penelope AI