MaskmyPrompt AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Prompts
  • Post last modified:14 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

MaskMyPrompt is an AI tool that allows users to anonymize their prompts before sending them to ChatGPT. The tool is designed for users who want to mask out a person or object in their prompt. Mask Prompter is another AI-based plugin that allows for easy and efficient matte generation. It uses points and boxes to detect and generate black-white mattes and alpha channels for objects in footage. The plugin uses AI to handle the tedious work and allow users to focus on being creative.

LuminarAI is another AI-powered photo masking software that allows users to mask objects in their photos effortlessly. It features many AI tools such as SkyAI, FaceAI, BodyAI, IrisAI, AtmosphereAI, and more that give images a memorable style and a competitive edge.
DynaMaR is a dynamic prompt with mask token representation that proposes an improvement to prompt-based finetuning. Finally, PromptHero is a website that offers a crash course in prompt engineering and AI art generation.

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