LiveReacting AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Avatars
  • Post last modified:28 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

LiveReacting AI is an AI-based tool that offers an AI host for live shows. The AI host understands the context of the live show in seconds and acts accordingly like a professional host. It introduces quizzes, reads questions with possible answers, talks about the topic while users respond, announces winners for each round, and interacts with players in real-time. With LiveReacting, users no longer need to worry about being on camera as the AI host autonomously makes the live show engaging, fun, and modern. LiveReacting also offers other features to enhance live streams, such as adding pre-recorded videos, games, countdowns, and polls to the stream. The tool can be used for various purposes such as educational quizzes, special offers, and building anticipation for events. LiveReacting AI offers a pricing plan that includes 3 live streams per month with a maximum duration of 1 hour per live stream.

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