Keywords Everwhere AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:SEO
  • Post last modified:11 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Keywords Everywhere is a freemium browser extension that helps with online marketing. It is available for Chrome and Firefox and can be easily installed on either browser. The extension shows monthly search volume, cost per click, and competition data of keywords on multiple websites. The free version of the extension includes features such as ChatGPT Prompt Templates, Instagram Hashtag Generator, and Pinterest Insights. The paid version includes additional features such as Competitor Gap Analysis, multiple Google properties, multiple eCommerce websites, and multiple search engines.

There are several tutorials available on YouTube that demonstrate how to use the Keywords Everywhere extension for SEO keyword research. Additionally, there are videos that showcase the extension’s features, such as ChatGPT Prompt Templates.

Try Keywords Everwhere AI