Draw Things AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Art
  • Post last modified:25 July 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Draw Things: AI Generation is an app that assists in image generation using AI technology. It allows users to create images based on their ideas in a matter of minutes, rather than days. The app runs locally on your device, ensuring privacy. It is based on popular Stable Diffusion models, which are AI image generator models that create novel images from text descriptions. The app supports features such as zooming in, fixing details, generative fill, and more. It can be used on iPhone and Mac devices. Draw Things also supports inpainting, which allows users to replace a portion of an image with AI-generated imagery. The app provides users with a variety of styles to choose from, ranging from abstract to realistic. Users have control over various parameters such as color, shape, and composition. Drawn images can be saved and exported in different formats for sharing on social media or use in other projects.

Try Draw Things AI