ChilloutAI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Art
  • Post last modified:26 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

ChilloutAI is an online tool that allows users to create pictures in their browser without the need to use Discord. It is based on the Midjourney unofficial API and provides a convenient way to generate unique and personalized images. Some key features and advantages of ChilloutAI include:

  • Easy Picture Creation: Users can easily create custom images by utilizing the Midjourney Bot’s capabilities
  • No Discord Required: Unlike other similar tools, ChilloutAI does not require the use of Discord to generate pictures
  • Free to Use: ChilloutAI is available for free, allowing users to create pictures in their browser without any cost
  • Quick Image Generation: The Midjourney Bot quickly generates custom images from simple text prompts, making the process efficient

Overall, ChilloutAI provides a user-friendly and accessible platform for creating pictures in the browser using the Midjourney API

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