CaliberAI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:General Writing
  • Post last modified:7 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

CaliberAI is a company that provides digital tools to support publishers and platforms in detecting potentially defamatory or harmful content. Their AI platform is designed to assist editors and augment human oversight by scanning whole articles for risk of defamation and harm pre-publication, and detecting potentially defamatory or harmful content in near real-time with their browser extension or CMS integration. Some of the features of CaliberAI’s technology include:

  • Fine-tuning LLMs: CaliberAI’s platform allows for easy fine-tuning of LLMs (large language models) to detect potentially risky content
  • API with custom thresholds: An API with custom thresholds tailored to an organization’s risk tolerance
  • Browser extension, social media plugins, CMS integration and more: CaliberAI offers a range of tools to integrate with an organization’s technology stack and editorial workflow, including browser extensions, social media plugins, and CMS integration
  • Reduce risk and minimize costs: CaliberAI’s technology is designed to help publishers and platforms reduce their risk and minimize costs associated with moderating user-generated content
CaliberAI’s technology is particularly relevant in the context of digital publishing, where regulators are likely to clamp down on hate speech and other forms of harmful content.

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