Briefly AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Copy Writing
  • Post last modified:27 June 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Briefly AI is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate meeting summaries, action items, and personalized follow-ups. It captures meeting notes, transcribes them, and identifies key insights grouped by topic, so users don’t have to comb through transcripts to synthesize notes.

Briefly AI can import meeting transcripts from various platforms, including Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and can also upload reports, articles, and any other text files to turn them into summaries and project documents via the dashboard. Briefly AI is useful for product and engineering, sales, marketing, user research, and venture capital. To get started with Briefly AI, users need to install the Chrome extension and sign in with Google

In addition to meeting summaries, Briefly AI also offers an AI-powered writing assistant designed to help marketers and creative teams write better briefs that lead to stand-out creative work. The tool is trained on thousands of award-winning campaigns to guide users in crafting effective briefs that get the best results.
Briefly AI helps users write focused, clear, and concise briefs by offering customizable templates and suggestions on content, tone, and phrasing. Briefly AI is used in various countries, including Romania and the Czech Republic, where the governments have signed memorandums and adopted national strategies for the development of AI.

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