Artguru AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Art
  • Post last modified:25 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Artguru AI is an online AI art generator that allows users to create unique art using artificial intelligence. It can convert text into AI-generated images, transform photos into AI art, and create personalized AI avatars. The tool uses generative algorithms and deep learning techniques to autonomously produce art without direct input from human artists.

Artguru AI offers several features to help users create their art, including advanced settings, style options, and aspect ratios. Users can also input an image or a negative prompt to generate their art. The tool is free to use and requires users to sign in to their account to access it.
Artguru AI is not the first AI art system, as AI art has been around since the late 1960s. One of the first significant AI art systems is AARON, developed by Harold Cohen at the University of California at San Diego. AARON used a symbolic rule-based approach to generate technical images and was developed with the goal of being able to code the act of drawing.
Overall, Artguru AI is an online tool that uses artificial intelligence to create unique art, including images and avatars, without direct input from human artists.

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