The AI Art Apps Database is a cloud-based platform that provides a variety of AI tools designed to help individuals generate unique content with ease. It offers a suite of AI products for children’s stories, image essay games, character creation, artwork generation, and avatar creation. The flagship tool of the platform is Evoke, which is an AI-powered tool that enables users to create unique and personalized art pieces.
Other AI art generators and tools are also available, such as:
- An AI art generator app with 20 open source models, including Stable Diffusion and models built from it, like OpenJourney. With a paid plan, users can train their own models
- Shutterstock AI Image Generator: Provides access to DALL·E 2, an AI art model. Users can generate images for free, but need to pay from $19/image to download
- Creative Fabrica: A digital assets marketplace that has added an art generator. It’s free to use, but the best feature is that users can browse hundreds of other AI creations
- Pixray: Provides access to VQGAN-CLIP-based models. It’s a web-based platform that is free to use
There are also other AI tools for AI art available, such as ArtHub,, Artaist, Seek, ArtroomAI, Wonder AI, and