Dreambooth AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Art
  • Post last modified:26 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dreambooth AI is a text-to-image model that can generate photorealistic images of a chosen subject based on a text prompt or a few images of the subject. The model is fine-tuned using a unique identifier that is bound to the specified subject, and once embedded in the output domain of the model, the identifier can be used to synthesize fully-novel images of the subject contextualized in different scenes. Dreambooth AI can be used to create custom AI avatars, generate product shots, and replicate any style. The model can be trained using only 3-5 images of a subject. Dreambooth AI is developed by Google AI Research.

Dreambooth AI has been used to generate images of faces, animals, and objects. The model has been used to create hundreds of AI avatars and product shots. Dreambooth AI has been used to generate images with specified viewpoints for a subject.
There are several tutorials available on how to use Dreambooth AI.

Try Dreambooth AI