Tavus: Details, Key Features, and Reviews


Key Features of Tavus

Tavus.io is an AI video personalization platform that generates personalized videos for each audience member automatically. Here are four key features of Tavus.io:

  • Automatic video personalization: Tavus.io can take a single video recording and automatically transform it into countless AI-generated videos, customized with unique voice variables to each customer.
  • Personalized backgrounds: Tavus.io can automatically capture personalized backgrounds like company websites, LinkedIn profiles, Facebook pages, etc. for each audience member, adding context and support to your message
  • Integration with other tools: Tavus.io integrates directly with Salesforce, HubSpot, Zapier, and over 70 other partners, enabling personalized videos to be part of your automated workflows
  • Multiple ways to generate videos: Tavus.io offers three ways to generate videos: one-off videos, videos via CSV upload, and programmatic videos

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