RecurPost AI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Social Media
  • Post last modified:18 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

RecurPost is a social media management tool that offers an AI Content Generator. The AI Assistant helps users create social media posts for various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The AI feature can help users find content based on their interests and preferences, which can lead to more engaging and relevant posts.

RecurPost allows users to set posting times for their accounts once, and then add new content that will automatically go out. The tool offers automatically repeating schedules in addition to manually scheduling content. Users can also import content from their own or their favorite websites with the feed importer, set a Google alert to share the most recent news on their accounts automatically, and control how frequently they post.
RecurPost also offers an AI image generator that allows users to generate beautiful AI images and schedule them on all their social profiles straight from the dashboard. The tool is intuitive and simple to use, and supports all major social platforms.
RecurPost’s pricing starts at a small price, and users can expand it as their business grows. The tool is used by over 90,000 marketers and offers excellent customer service and support.

Try RecurPost AI