Society 5.0: What changes in the relationship with technology?

  • Post category:blog
  • Post last modified:29 June 2023
  • Reading time:7 mins read

We live in a connected society. If, a short time ago, we started using the internet, today we carry out complex tasks using our smart phones. And the evolutions that brought us here show a little of the path we will follow when it comes to technology. It was thinking along these lines that the term society 5.0 emerged.

The idea is to seek, from now on and with the help of technology, new models of society that work better and solve our daily problems in an agile way.

To better understand this concept, its purposes and how to get there, we have prepared this content for you. Society 5.0 is coming and you won’t be left out of it!

What is society 5.0?

Society 5.0 is a proposal that aims to develop a model of social organization that applies various technologies for the well-being of people and their needs.

The idea is, therefore, to provide technological solutions for the population at any time and in any place. For this, technologies such as big data , internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence will be used.

Thus, we will have completely connected cities, with full integration between virtual and physical space. The model, called smart cities , aims to solve the social and economic problems that occur on the planet.

In this scenario, technological solutions would be integrated in areas such as health, industry, retail, transport and public safety, with the aim of offering more efficient services to its users.

What are the goals of society 5.0?

The objective of society 5.0 is to centralize technology in social well-being, so that we can enjoy life better. The methodology seeks to meet its goals based on three fundamental values:

  • Sustainability: improve environmental indices, reduce food waste, develop technologies for the environment and social well-being;
  • Openness: promoting the participation of society in the construction of ideas and projects, not limited to scientists, businessmen and specialists,
  • Inclusion: taking technology to remote places and to people who currently do not have access due to economic problems.

Among some points raised as challenges for the model to be efficient are: increase in human skills; democratize access to medical innovations, public safety and education; improve robotics and artificial intelligence, and develop regional revitalizations, improving urban concentration.

In addition to solving current problems, the concept of society 5.0 must anticipate future problems, such as increases in demands such as energy and food, increased inequality and concentration of wealth, and the lack of industrialization in many countries and regions.

Society 5.0 features

If the goals of society 5.0 may seem very distant, reality shows that certain advances can be faster than we imagine. After all, we have witnessed many technological developments in the daily lives of people and companies in recent years. See the advances that the model promises to offer:

Medical and scientific advances

Bringing more accurate diagnoses, reducing the accident rate, speeding up treatments and bringing better health conditions to all are challenges of a modern society .

This development must also be integrated with scientific advances outside of medicine, facilitating the routine and human work carried out in the coming decades.

Smart home

With the Internet of Things (IoT) becoming more common, the concept of smart home is becoming more accessible and close. Thus, homes will be more connected, comfortable and also efficient.

In this way, the service sector is optimized in tasks such as reducing energy and food waste and improving garbage collection. With this, citizens have facilities in organizing tasks and monitoring the house in their daily lives.

Robots as Allies

In society 5.0, robots take over the heavy work done by people, which facilitates difficult tasks, such as harvesting and construction. The objective is to ensure that sectors such as civil construction, cleaning, agriculture and manufacturing have more support technology and work organization.

Drone delivery and service

A reality that is increasingly closer to society 5.0 is the use of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) in city logistics and cargo distribution. Services such as delivery of goods and freight will see advances in the speed and efficiency of each task.

In addition, it will be possible to have monitoring and assistance in disasters, and transport of supplies in areas at risk or compromised with the use of this equipment, also facilitating in emergency cases.

Autonomous vehicles and integrated transport

One of the bets of the model that are still arriving in Pak are the autonomous cars. They drive without a driver for the vehicle and are already being put into practice.

Added to this is the fact that the intention is to make passenger transport more integrated, with faster exchanges and efficient connections, whether the service is private or public.

Cloud management

Our daily information is already in the cloud and this is a trend that will only grow. In this way, companies of all sizes will benefit, as the solution includes items ranging from information sharing to complete and efficient management in customized software.

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