FusionAI : Details and Key Features

  • Post category:Prompts
  • Post last modified:13 July 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

FusionAI is a deep learning classifier that predicts human fusion genes. It is a pipeline that predicts human fusion gene breakpoints from DNA sequence. The following are some key features of FusionAI:

  • Architecture: FusionAI consists of a deep neural network (DNN) model that classifies between fusion-positive and -negative breakpoints on the basis of DNA
  • Training: The training and test datasets of fusion-positive and -negative breakpoints are made from the investigation of fusion gene breakpoints of 48K FGs from FusionGDB
  • Input Sequence Context: The size of the input sequence context affects the accuracy of FusionAI

FusionAI is freely available and can be run using software and algorithms. The running time of FusionAI depends on the input data and ranges from less than 1 minute to less than 10 minutes. FusionAI has been developed to reduce the false positives of human fusion gene prediction. It is a part of FusionGDB, which is a functional annotation database of human fusion genes. There is also a private equity firm called FusionAI.

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